Un film de Monica De Almeida - Ecrit par Ludovic Dreyfuss
Produit par Seven prod & Oeil de Lynx prod
en co-production avec ElgoLive
La domestique vit dans la demeure de Monsieur Bojac depuis le décès de son épouse. Jeune femme d’une trentaine d’années, elle est d’une nature douce et respectueuse. Dotée d’une grande intelligence émotionnelle, elle ressent sensiblement les énergies négatives de son patron lorsqu’elles lui sont adressées mais elle reste toujours bienveillante.
The maid lives in Mr. Bojac’s mansion since the suicide of his wife. A young woman in her thirties, she is gentle, caring and respectful. Endowed with great emotional intelligence, she is deeply affected by her master’s negative energy when it is directed at her. Without realising it, she represents William’s second and last chance to learn from his mistakes and to change his behaviour.
William Bojac est un bourgeois d’une quarantaine d’année. Il vit depuis le décès de son épouse, dans un Manoir isolé dans un grand domaine en campagne Normande. De nature insensible et narcissique, il détient peu d’intelligence émotionnelle. Rongé intérieurement par ses cauchemars, son humeur n’est pas appréciable et il se comporte de manière dédaigneuse avec ses employés. Son égo et son esprit borné l’empêchent de prendre conscience de la réalité et de ses agissements. Il va être mis face à sa cruauté et à son propre reflet.
William Bojac is a middle-class man in his forties. Since the death of his wife, he has lived in an isolated manor house on a large estate in the Normandy countryside. Insensitive and narcissistic, he has little emotional intelligence. Inwardly plagued by his nightmares, his moods are unpredictable and he behaves dismissively towards his employees. His ego and his narrow mindedness make him blind to reality and the consequences of his actions. He will be confronted with his cruelty and made to see himself for what he really is.
Jo est un personnage posé et serein, doté d’une grande clairvoyance. Il a un physique bien taillé et un look soigné. Son but est de guider William dans la compréhension de ses rêves et de l'inciter à faire face à son manque de considération envers les autres. Son assurance et sa franchise sans détour déstabilisent William.
Jo is a calm and serene character, endowed with immense power. We don't know who he really is, because he is mysterious and timeless. He has a specific goal and does not deviate from it until it is accomplished. His self-confidence and frankness unsettle William. He doesn't lose his temper and his cruelty is limitless, especially once he’s given his prey a chance. Here to incite William to confront his own truth, in the face of his ignorance he will have to put an end to their exchange in his own way.